Here are some of the large-scale projects I have worked on: rebranding a magazine, delivering a content management system, launching a portfolio of academic joirnals.
Warsaw Business Journal
I started working with Warsaw Business Journal in 2012 when it was published as a weekly. I helped design the monthly magazine in 2013 and in 2016 I oversaw a rebranding of the magazine to its current form. I published over 60 issues of the magazine.
Open Education Studies
I launched Open Education Studies from scratch. I recruited the team of academics from all over the world and started publishing in 2018. Despite challenges in the academic publishing landscape, the journal has been a success and is now indexed in major scholarly databases, such as Scopus and Scimago.
I oversaw the design and launch of a news website, including a custom-built CMS system and a semi-automated newsletter creation app. The website has been in use for five years now.
De Gruyter's Open Access portfolio
At De Gruyter I was in charge of developing a portfolio of open access journals in Social Sciences. I oversaw the launch and acquisition of over 10 journals as well as led a team of Managing Editors responsible for each individual project.
T4B Magazine
I handled the content and production of a custom published magazine T4B Technology for Business. It covered a range of technology-related topics, including AI, space tech, software, drones, and interviews with people in tech, e.g engineers from the European Space Agency.
Book publishing
As a book editor for Wolters Kluwer and C.H. Beck, I edited and publsihed original and translated books on economics, statistics, management, marketing, finance and more.